Monday, February 18, 2008


Yesterday Me and Haron took a break and went out to a cafe to have a drink. He was confused about some things, so I helped him clear it up. After that we got Michael to come and have a drink. Eventually we were able to reach into him and talk him into getting into the business. Hope he comes to the seminar tonight.

Today I have read SOS about anger.

"A truely humble man cannot get angry."

Sunday, February 17, 2008

CNY Warwick Farm - Sunday

The crowds on sunday wasn't that big, partly because people prefer to relax on sunday and partly because the weather wasn't that good. Suprisingly me and Haron managed to get even more numbers than yesterday, meaning we were more productive. Me and Haron have spent much much much less time than Tommy at warwick farm and we stil managed to get the same amount of phone numbers. Plus we didnt' even have a stall. haha.

But seriously, that Tommy guy is starting irritate me now. His jealously attitude is so obvious. I've been patient with him for a long time now. I've told Cuong about it and I hope he does something about it.

On monday I hope to get my life a bit more organised and set my goals and relax and have a drink.

CNY Warwick Farm - Saturday

CNY was getting better. Much more people throughout the afternoon. We got way more numbers during the afternoon and night. At the same time, our presentation skills got better. But this time we didn't use the trolley. Even though theoretically the mobility of the trolley would give us an edge over the stall owners, it was difficult to push the trolley around in the dirt and grass. So we just preferred to walk around instead, which was much more faster.

Friday, February 15, 2008

CNY Warwick Farm - Friday

Me and Haron made our way to Cuong's house to make preparations for Warwick farm celebrations. It took us a long 6 hours to set up the trolly. It looks fantastic, but it took ages to set it up. Nevertheless, I was proud of it. Haron thinks I'll get 100% in a design and technology project if I did that.

Tonight was okay. There was lots of people, but we weren't doing so well in terms of getting numbers. Me and Haron blamed it on the fact that many people that were there couldn't understand english. But Cuong told us to not have that attitude, because if your dreams are big enough, the facts don't count.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Sign Up

I finally have a dependable downline who can sign up and help me. His name is Haron Sofizay. He has been my high school friend for a long time and it's been a long time since we've caught up. I'm very lucky and happy to have him as my business partner.

However I still need another business partner.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Crazy Superweapon

I haven't posted the top Panel, because I don't have a copy of it. Cuong has it.

The Dream, The Kite

After watching Pathman's 8 building blocks, I realised I need to find a very compelling reason to be successful in this business. He told he to buy and fly a kite if you don't have one.

So this is my dream:

I have given my life over to QuestNet in hope to earn lots of money, so that one day I would be rich and wealthy enough to Marry and Support Silvia and buy her a beach house in Maroubra. I know she's not mine yet, but I believe my time sort things out.