Thursday, January 31, 2008

My First home presentation

On thursday night, I had to do a presentation with cuong (who returned from Melbourne recently to promote biodisc) and our aim was to introduce what the biodisc is and what is can do. Cuong did all the presentation, while I helped out with healing this guy's leg with the torch.

I almost forgot to mention that the host of the house was pretty nice. She cooked me dinner. How awesome. Cuong was telling me how he was offered many things, like big bonsai trees, food and even puppies! wow, i have yet to experience that. I look forward to getting a pet. haha.

There was another person with foot pain, so we just let her use the torch to transmit the scalar energy from the biodisc onto the palm of her foot and from time to time, we would need to spray bio-energied water onto the affected area. She noticed that the pain in her foot lessen by a bit. But it's not going to completely heal in 30mins.So we made her and everyone else some bioenergised water and hopefully we will meet up again.

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