Thursday, January 31, 2008

My first testimony

Me, Tom and Hung met up with David and his clients to help him out with some filopino ladies. There were about 8 of them who had different health problems. It ranged from knee pain, shoulder pain to sleeping problems.

We first started with one lady. She had some sort of shoulder problem and knee pain. Apparently she couldnt lift her left arm very high. If she did, then it would hurt. There shoulder joint was also stiff, so hence she couldn't lift it any higher except up to neckheight. After 30mins of shining a torch through the biodisc, then her she could lift her arm higher! WOW. This is my first testimony, even though they weren't my direct clients. "Unbelievableeee!"

Immediately all the other ladies were around watching got pretty excited and they all started asking for bioenergised water. They were fighting for water like crazy- as if it was gold. LOL how funny.

Later on, the lady with the shoulder pain was able to carry her grocery shopping with that left arm.

I was pretty excited after, because it was first hand observation of successful healing with the biodisc. I don't care what other people say about the biodisc, they call hide at home and call it a scam all they like, but they can never take my observed testimony away.

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