Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sphere of Silence

Figure 1.

I now have to begin a new habit of praticising sphere of silence (SOS). SOS is about locking yourself in a room where is there is peace and quiet and involves:
Figure .

1) Analysing yesterday - 10mins
2) Writing down task today - 10mins
3) Write goals for 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years. - 10mins

4) Read SOS book - 15mins
5) Analysing what you read - 5mins

6) have a converstaion with your creator, pray.

My Response:

1) Yesterday went good. I was learning how to present to an audience off cuong, however he was speaking in vietnamese, so it was somewhat differcult. But hopefully it would be alrite.

- Go to Tafe Ultimo to enrol in chinese course.
- Ring Centrelink to report change in employment.
- Meet up with cuong to discuss plans for Warwick Farm.
- Go to Questnet meeting.

3)1 week - Sign up Ms Lin
1 month - Have 2 active networkers under my wing.
6 months - have 5 active networkers under my wing.
1 year - earn about $2000/wk from this business.
2 years - $4000/wk + 10 active networkers + Mini cooper chilli.
5 years - Have 20+ active networkers + $10,000/wk.

"The man, who desires to rule, must begin by ruling himself."

"Only they who master themselves can be masters of their own fate."

Review - This is one of the most inspiring quotes I have read so far in the SOS book. Very straight to the point. I need to overcome my laziness and fear in order to become successful.

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